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Testimony 6
Personal testimony of Stan Shigehiro.
Recorded in 2020.
This is my story.
The family was interned to Alberta and ended up in Raymond in 1942. We lived in a 2-room shack on the Paxman farm working in the sugar beet fields.
Around 1945, my parents converted to Christianity - Anglican - through convincing conversations with a neighbour. They were Buddhist prior.
Reverend Nakayama visited our home in 1947. His visits always ended up with dinner and an overnight stay. I was then 10 years old and the oldest of two.
We only had one bedroom with 2 double beds. One bed for my parents and one bed for my brother and I. When Nakayama stayed overnight he slept in one of the beds with me while my brother joined my parents in the other bed.
Sometime during the night he would grope me and would take my hand and place it on his penis and force me to stroke him. After the second visit, which might have been a couple months later, and this happened again, I decided to sleep outside in a tent on his third visit. He followed me and came in and the same ensued.
I would go visit my friend down the street during the day and if Nakayama was visiting he would want to come with me. On the way he would kiss me on the lips and force my hand in his pants.
Following this third time, I would make myself very scarce whenever he visited and avoided him as much as I could.
-Stan Shigehiro