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Counselling Resources
Getting Started
We are grateful to be able to offer this support and understand how difficult it can be to take the first step for survivors and survivor family members. Counselling is an unfamiliar world for everyone at first and below are a list of resources where you might start your journey.
Applicants for counselling support through the Healing Fund for Japanese Canadians are free to select their own counsellor, change counsellors as needed, and change counselling platforms as they discover what works best for them. Many counsellors and psychotherapists offer in person sessions, telephone appointments, texting services and online appointments. You will be free to schedule your conversations with a trained professional and do so at your own pace.
Frequently Asked Question: What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
Answer from
Psychotherapy and counselling have a lot in common and usually mean the same thing. Both are used to describe professionals who use talk-based approaches to help someone recover from a mental illness or mental health problem. Many different professionals may provide counselling or psychotherapy, including registered psychologists, registered clinical counsellors, psychiatrists, other therapists and counsellors, family doctors, psychiatric nurses, and faith leaders.
List of Resources to Get Started
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
Mental Health Support in British Columbia
Mental Health Support in Ontario
Psychology Today search results
SNAP Network Links. Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests in Canada
Better Help
TELUS Mental Health Resources
Inquiries made to the Healing Fund will remain fully confidential. The Healing Fund for Japanese Canadians was made possible by the combined efforts of the Japanese Canadian Working Group, the National Association of Japanese Canadians and the Anglican Church of Canada consisting of the Diocese of New Westminster, the Diocese of Calgary and the Primacy.