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Archive of Related Material

Warning: These archives relate to the former Anglican Priest Gordon Goichi Nakayama and his history of clergy sexual abuse. The information contained in these materials can be emotionally and intellectually challenging to engage with. These materials have been collected and made available to be barrier-free for any member of the community who is looking for more information surrounding Nakayama's decades of abuse.


There are a wide array of resources that discuss Nakayama and his abuse. Some books, many articles, and a large body of personal memoirs.

On this page you will find records the Healing Fund has been able to:

  • Identify, where listed

  • Collect, where a source is given

  • Make publicly available, where the document is underlined

Resources are available for download where permission has been received, and these documents are underlined. Some documents are not accessible through the Healing Fund but we can help you locate the item.

This is a living archive and will continue to grow as more information becomes available to the community. For submissions please contact us at .

Anglican Church of Canada, Nakayama-Related Archive Material

Diocese of Calgary Archives

Source: Diocese of Calgary. Received from Chancellor Peter Crisfield on 24 August 2023

Diocese of New Westminster Archives

Source: Diocese of New Westminster. Received from Chancellor George Cadman on 7 August 202.

Various Records

1950s Protest Letter from a community member to the Primate against Nakayama's sexual misconduct

  • Likely held by the Diocese of Calgary in Nakayama's files. Access first requested by a community organization in 2006. Access is currently being requested by the Project Office of the Healing Fund. Last communication with the Diocese of Calgary on this matter was November 30, 2022. Unconfirmed if this item exists.

1950s Hawaiian Church Chronicle

1950s The Witness

  • June 14, 1951.
    , retrieved 2022LINK. "Nakayama has been loaned to the Episcopal Church by the Church of England in Canada..."

1970s Protest Letter from Holy Cross congregants to the Bishops of New Westminster and Calgary against Nakayama's return to their church.

Note: Likely held by the University of British Columbia Rare Books and Special Collections, Kogawa Fonds. An item has been identified and we have requested access from UBC RBSC archivists (July, 2022) and the donor (September, 2022). UBC Archivists asked us to follow-up with the request in January 2023. We followed-up with the request in January 2023.

1980s Internal Report on Nakayama by the Diocese of Calgary and other materials from Nakayama's personnel file.

  • Access is no longer being requested by the Project Office of the Healing Fund. On November 28, 2023, the Diocese of Calgary representatives confirmed that references to a 1980's report are not valid. For Nakayama's personnel file, see Diocese of Calgary Archives, above.

1994 Confession letter

Source: Anglican Diocese of New Westminster, retrieved 2015. LINK.

1996 UBC Joy Kogawa Fonds guide (Accruals 1&2)

Source: University of British Columbia Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, retrieved 2022. LINK.

2009 RELINQUISHED Thesis by Greg Tatchell

Source: Greg Tatchell, retrieved 2021.

2017 UBC Nakayama Fonds guide

Note: The Nakayama Fonds contains 11.59m of material in total. Approximately 1.00m of material can be accessed publicly. The other 90% remains restricted until 2095 at the decision of UBC and at the request of the donor. A formal request was made to UBC in September, 2022, to review these restrictions. In October 2022 a lawyer representing UBC confirmed that both UBC and the donor of the Nakayama Fonds have reaffirmed the restrictions on access. Below are the publicly available materials.

2018 UBC Joy Kogawa Fond Guide (Accrual 3)

Source: University of British Columbia Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, retrieved 2022. LINK.

2021 April $610,000 Joint Announcement

Source: Anglican Healing Fund for Japanese Canadians.

2021 Page 3 of a typed transcript from Joy Kogawa about Nakayama’s activities

Source: Joy Kogawa, Vancouver, retrieved 2021.

n.d. CV of Walter Robert Adams

Source: General Synod Archives, Toronto, retrieved 2022.

Journal Articles

Nakayama, Reverend Timothy M. (1966). Anglican Missions to the Japanese in Canada. Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 8(2), 26-48.

Source: Project Canterbury, New Haven, retrieved 2017. LINK.

Carter, David. (1973). Nakayama: Profile of a whirlwind. The Sower, January 1973, 3.

Source: General Synod Archives, Toronto, retrieved 2021.

White, Sheila V., (1975). The Only One. The Living Message, January 1975, 26-27.

Source: General Synod Archives, Toronto, retrieved 2021.


Editor. (1982). Canon Gordon Nakayama Returns to Coaldale. The Sower, December 1982, 4.

Source: General Synod Archives, Toronto, retrieved 2021.


Janke, Dwayne. (1983). Anglican Cannon Nakayama “Man with the Camera” celebrates 50 years of ministering. The New Canadian 47(12), 1-2.

Source: SFU Digitized Newspapers, Burnaby, retrieved 2022. LINK.


Lowman, Emma B. (2011). “My Name is Stanley”: Twentieth-Century Missionary Stories and the Complexity of Colonial Encounters. BC Studies 169, 81-99.

Source: UBC Library Open Access Journal Hosting, Vancouver, retrieved 2022. LINK.


Metten, Ann-Marie. (2011). The Little House that Joy Saved, in Sheena Wilson, (2011), Joy Kogawa: Essays on her works, 256-277.

Source: Sheena Wilson, Edmonton, retrieved 2022. LINK.

Little, Marion. (2015). How to apologize for abuse. Anglican Journal, July 15, 2015.

Source: Anglican Journal, Toronto, retrieved 2022. LINK.

Murray, Rande. (2015). 2016 Update - Bishops' Apology Regarding Gordon Nakayama. Anglican Diocese of New Westminster, June 15, 2015.

Source: Anglican Diocese of New Westminster, Vancouver, retrieved 2018. LINK.

Rasmussen, Greg. (2015). Anglican Church of Canada apologizes for keeping priest's sexual abuse quiet. CBC British Columbia, June 15, 2015.

Source: CBC British Columbia, Vancouver, retrieved 2022. LINK.

Swift, Diana. (2015). Bishops apologize for priest's history of abuse. Anglican Journal 141(7), 1, 12.

Source: Anglican Journal, Toronto, retrieved 2020. LINK.

Shimotakahara, Leslie. (2016). Joy Kogawa comes to terms with her father's abuse of boys in her new memoir Gently to Nagasaki. National Post, September 7, 2016.

Source: National Post, Toronto, retrieved 2022. LINK.

Lundgren, Jodi. (2017). "Roll With It": Structures of Feeling and Sexual Abuse in the Writings of Joy Kogawa. Studies in Canadian Literature 41(2), 117-136.

Source: Studies in Canadian Literature, Fredericton, retrieved 2020. LINK.

Crockford (N.D.), page 724, scanned from the ACC, detailing Nakayama’s CV.

Source: General Synod Archives, Toronto, retrieved 2021.

The Bulletin-Geppo













Nikkei Voice


  • 2月/February, An article by Timothy Nakayama to the Japanese Canadian community mentioning the harm his father caused. Unconfirmed if this item exists.




Kogawa, Joy N.

  • (1981) Obasan. Lester and Orpen Dennys.

  • (1992) Itsuka. Penguin Books.

  • (1995) The Rain Ascends. Knopf Canada.

  • (2016) Gently to Nagasaki. Caitlin Press.

Nakayama, Gordon G.

  • (1958) 米国‐ハワイ伝道の旅 My Missionary Trip to the U.S.A. and Hawaii.「日本語」

  • (1972) My Mission in Okinawa: A Recollection.「日本語」

  • (1974) My Missionary Trip Around the World.「日本語」

  • (1984) Issei: Stories of Japanese Canadian Pioneers. NC Press Limited.

  • (1990) The Brilliant Life. 「日本語」

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